We are all connected!

Thank you in advance for sharing your ideas. There is always room for additional strategies and lessons to enhance the learning of our students.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


As I have ventured through this course, I have been exposed to many theories and practices. Dr. Orey's examination of Constructionism fascinated me the most. Sometimes we have a belief in something, but we have no true label for it. Dr. Orey put a label on what I believe should happen in the classroom with today's students. Students need artifacts, hands on practic, whether in the assigned class or through homework and practice. Students need a purpose for doing anything in the classroom (my personal belief) in order to move them towards being successful.

Collaboration is very common in many classroom environments. This supports the "Social Learning Theory" (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010). This learning theory supports my personal goal of increasing student discourse at my school. Students need to interact with other students through collaboration so that they are able to think critically and discuss their findings. It is my belief that using technology to enhance the classroom environment for the students is very beneficial.

The tools which I have been exposed to int his class have made my belief that much stronger. I will advocate for the increased use of technology in the classroom. The goals which I have set for myself is to have teachers implement the use of any two of the following technology strategies in their lessons: spiderscribe.net, concept mapping, virtual field trips, google docs, and web quests. If I can accomplish this, I believe that I will definitely see an increase in student achievement for my school.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010). Constructionist and Constructivist learning theories [Web cast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Baltimore, MD.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cognitive Theory + Technology

As we know, the Cognitive Theory is the study of the thought process. It tells us how people think, more particularly, students. This is important to the design of our classrooms because it allows us to choose and implement the most effective strategies for our students. I am a strong advocate for the "Cues, Questions and Advanced Organizers", because of the technology resources which are available, more specifically, concept mapping and virtual field trips. There is a true and proven connection between the Cognitive learning Theory and technology.

I used http://www.spiderscribe.net/ for a lesson with a group of students. I experienced a new level of learning with the students. They took ownership of their learning. They were excited and student dialogue increased tremendously. Fusing technology within the classroom lesson, underlying the beliefs of the Cognitive Theory will open up many doors for enhancing student learning.

Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn & Malenoski, (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Behaviorist Learning Theory

When reading about the behaviorist learning theory, I thought back to my high school classroom experiences. I could vividly see my teachers instructing us with new information. I could see myself on the edge of my see awaiting confirmation for the correct answer. When I heard the words "Good job, Kimberly" I had the biggest smile on my face. Every time we answered a question correctly, we would receive positive feedback. Dr. Michael Orey talks about Operant Conditioning, which consists of reinforcement and punishment. Reinforcement is what my teacher was doing with our class. The big question is, does punishment work as a way to redirect learning? Some educators may say that it does and others may disagree. How does this work with technology?

The secret giant in every classroom is PRACTICE! No matter what the objectives are in a classroom, practice must take place. In many instances this can be accomplished with homework. Students must be able to practice in the classroom and at home. The more practice a student has the better the chance at proficiency. When a student proves not to be proficient, remediation is appropriate. This is now known as RtI (Response to Intervention). It is my opinion, based on the readings and current classroom environments, there is definitely room for the Behaviorist Learning Theory.


Orey, M. (Ed.). (2001). Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology.
Retrieved from http://projects.coe.uga.edu/epltt/index.php?tle=Main_Page

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010). Program five. Cognitive
learning theory [Webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology.
Baltimore, MD: Author

Monday, April 18, 2011

Reflection for Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work, and Society

We were asked the following questions:

In what way has this course helped you to develop your own technology skills as a professional teacher?

New technology is emerging everyday. I compare technology to an old and new model car. Just as the older model cars, technology has been modernized. It has changed to meet the demands of the 21st Century. I have learned new skills as a result of taking this class. I am now familiar with the blog, wiki and podcast. I feel most comfortable with the blog and wiki. I express myself better through writing . The blog and wiki will allow me to pose more questions and research ideas to the cadre of teachers with whom I work.

In what ways have you deepened your knowledge of the teaching and learning process?

As educators we often take for granted that our students have the prerequisites needed to complete assignments or actually participate in the class. I understand that the process of gradual release will need to play a significant role in every assignment given, especially when using technology. Students will need explicit instruction, modeling, then independent practice. I understand the use of technology and it's importance to the classroom, along with 21st Century skills.

In what ways have you changed your prospective from being teacher centered to learner centered?

In order for students to be most effective in class, they need to be critical thinkers and be able to work collaboratively. Teachers need to facilitate lessons so that students become independent thinkers. This class has taught me that I need to be able to recognize the level of student knowledge with technology. I also need to be able to recognize whether or not teachers are digital natives or digital immigrants. understanding the teacher's level of usage will determine what can be expected from that teacher's classroom, in terms of technology.

In what ways can you continue to expand your knowledge of learning, teaching and leading with technology with the aim of increasing student achievement?

The only way that I can expand my knowledge is to continue with professional development. I must stay abreast of changes as well as advancements which take place. the most important this is to put what I have have learned into practice. often times teachers attend workshops or take classes to learn new material. The information that they have learned stays where the learning took place. If we do not put into use what we have learned, then the training which received was unnecessary. 

Set two long term goals for two years from now for transforming your classroom environment by which you may have to overcome institutional or systematic obstacles in order to achieve them. How do you plan to accomplish these goals?

Two goals which I have set for  myself and plan to achieve within the next two years, is to have all teachers of reading at my school, using new technology tools with fidelity and ensure that students in reading classes are able to use multiple 21st century tools and or strategies. To accomplish these goals, I must start by asking a question that was posed to me in a discussion question thread this week. I was asked if the Department of Education had asked the teachers how they felt about the use of technology. i need to see how teachers feel about incorporating technology into their classrooms. I need to make sure that they understand the rationale for using technology and ensure them that it is not just busy work for them nor the students. I will continue to model lessons and coach teachers until they are able to implement the use of technology with comfort and fidelity. When I successfully accomplish this goal, the second goal will be accomplished because teachers will be able to afford students with the opportunity to use the various tools available. 

Refer to week 1. Have any of your answers changed after completing this course?

I now believe that technology can be used to do things differently, as well as used to do different things. I we have an open mind to explore the depths which technology can take us. We will find that our students are willing to go there with us. There is so much that can be accomplished when adding 21st Century skills to our classrooms. Students will become independent thinkers, learn to think critically, and learn to work collaboratively, thus preparing them for the world ahead.

Friday, March 25, 2011

21st Century Readiness

Are we preparing our students for the 21st Century world that they will enter after graduation? As educators we need to do a self-evaluation or inventory and ask ourselves this question. The world of technology is among us and competition in the workforce will encounter the use of technology. There are so many initiatives in place to assist educators and prepare them for the 21st Century classroom. I recently visited the Partnership for 21st Century Skills web page, http://www.p21.org/ . This organization has a central focus and commitment for the readiness of students. Members of this group focus on fusing the 3 R's and 4 C's in education. We know the 3 R's as reading, writing and arithmetic. The 4 C's consist of critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. These are areas critical to building a foundation for our students.

Many educators are apprehensive about using technology in the classroom. P21provides numerous professional development opportunities for educators and others wanting to know more about 21st Century learning. Even if conferences are missed, there is still an opportunity to receive the information, as there is an open link to missed conferences. There are additional resources available for view, which support 21st Century Readiness. One which I found very informative was the Connection to Common Core Standards for Math and ELA (English Language Arts).

I was still a bit curious; therefore, I did another search and found a blog by Adam Shamer. The blog is quite interesting as it supports the efforts of P21. He speaks on the chart that P21 uses to explain student outcomes and support systems:


Adam's blog site is http://blog.entrepreneurthearts.com/2010/05/06/the-four-cs-of-21st-century-education/ .

These are excellent sites to keep us abreast of 21st Century learning. Students will benefit as well as educators.

Do you feel that the use of technology will enhance classroom experiences and prepare students for the world ahead of them?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Using Blogs in the Classroom

Blogs are an excellent tool for communicating with others to share ideas and thoughts about particular subjects. Creating a blog for classroom use will allow students to share their thoughts. Some students communicate better in writing. Creating a blog in for the class allows the teacher to use the blog as an informal assessment. According to the type rubic established for given assignments, the blog may also be used as a formal assessment. Students can log into the blog to recieve assignments given by the teacher. Parents would be able to access student assignments. Questions may be posed by the teacher and student. Blogs would enhance the learning environment.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I see what I'm reading; but, I don't understand!

Many students find themselves reading over and over again, but they never truly understand what they are reading. I am desperately seeking advise on how to motivate the students. How can technology be used to enhance their learning experiences?